Tuesday, May 18, 2021

My english task about her


Akhir 2019 kemarin aku bergabung dengan salah satu kursus, saat itu, kita paa student mendapatkan tugas untuk menjawab 5 pertanyaan, nah kebetulan saat itu lagi dirumah temen dan kepikiran aja nyeritain sesuatu yang bisa mewakili kelima pertanyaan itu, kebetulan ini juga cerita semi semi nyata yang terjadi juga disaat itu. Akhirnya aku tuangin deh semua nya ke dalam bentuk cerita. Setelah itu langsung aku kumpulkan tugasnya.

Besok nya, pas waktu kursus, kebetulan aku datang terlambat, waktu masuk ke kelas, semua orang ngeliat ke arahku, teacher pun bertanya namaku. Setelah itu langsung aku ngeliat semua mata mendadak berubah cara pandangnya ke arah aku, kemudian mereka semua tepuk tangan, kaget dong aku nya, nggak ngerti apa apa, cumin bisa senyum dan perlahan menuju ke tepat duduk. Teacher pun menyampaikan kalo tugas aku dapet peringkat pertama atau kedua terbaik gitu, cuman tugasku agak unik, berbeda dengan yang lain makanya jadi agak heboh, dan tadi sempet kayaknya dibacain jadi orang2 pada tau gitu.

Theacher ngebagiin hasil tugasku yang sudah ada beberapa coretan hasil perbaikan grammar nya. Ada beberapa komentar nya juga yang menurutku cukup lucu, isi dari tugasku sekalian aja mau aku share disini, skalian biar bisa jadi kenangan. Jadi dibawah ini cumin Sebagian aja yang aku share, soalnya yang aslinya cukup Panjang, dan nggak semua juga related ke story, karena Sebagian aku sambung sambungin supaya sesuai dengan 5 soal tugas yang ditanyakan. Ada beberapa kata kata juga yang aku sortir soalnya ngerasa nggak layak atau nyebut nama dari pihak lain juga, jadi singkat dan inti dari story aja sih.


--------------------------- Here My Task --------------------------

More than 20 years I live on earth, I still have problem about English. When foreign people asked me some questions, I odont know how to answer, just answer with either yes or no. I had come to some English courses, but it didn’t fit with me, the environment, the teacher, or the learning time. Then I found English course on social media. I came there and join. I found a great theacer and also many people who had the some purposes. Join in the middle of people with high spirit for learning, felt like this is my place. I though I can grow here.

In the Fourth week I join, in the christmas week. I saw her. A girl who I know before. 2 years ago I met her on the “X” event and I cant forget that moment. She was also here. She sat o the chair, wearing a red dress. She was writing something on her note. Sometimes, the wind blew to her hair and covering her face. Then she put it back behind her ears. That moment made my heart beat loudly. “That’s beautiful”. I knew that maybe she doesn’t remember me. But, I believed, God reunited us again not for nothing, it maybe for something.

The Fifth week, 29 December 2019. Like the other Sunday, I went to the course place at that morning. The teacher teached again about singular & plural words. We had studied it before, I think in the second week. That made me feel sleepy during the class. I just looked away, threw my focus to other class, until the time going to the end.

I got up and went to the edge of the stairs. Then I saw her again. That day she wore a blue cardigan, looked sweet, matched with her face. She stood up on the side of the entrance door. Looked like she was waiting for someone. I did not know who, but I knew that she/he was important for her. She was killing the time by watching the show from committee. I was going down step by step slowly towards her and then she looked at me, I thought she knew that I was being closer to her. I looked at her eyes and she looked into my eyes too. That moment only happened just a second, then someone called her. She went to her firend and just leaving me, even before I got a chance to talk. But from that, when I saw her eyes, I knew that she didn’t remember or recognized me. I just an ordinary person in the middle of the crowding of that place.

--------------------------- End of  My Task --------------------------


Note from my theacher :

Sayang kursus nggak bisa terus dilanjutkan dengan bertatap muka, beberapa akhir pertemuan akhirnya dilakukan online akibat di awal 2020 Koronces menyerang, bahkan hingga ujian akhir pun dilakukan dengan online. Alhamdulillah walau gitu, semua student tetep antusias dan di akhir saya berhasil menjadi murid terbaik, bukan karena terpintar, tapi karena punya nilai rata2 yang paling tinggi aja sih. Soalnya pas ujian beberapa kali aku cumin dapet peringkat 2 aja sih, tapi kalo digabung dengan nilai tugas mungkin itu yang ngebikin aku unggul…..


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My english task about her
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